[ubuntu-uk] Donation of Old PCs

john levin john at technolalia.org
Wed Jan 3 18:47:10 GMT 2007

Mr W. F. Vening wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone looked into taking donations of old PCs, which businesses
> throw out, and installing a form of Ubuntu on them. Then giving them
> to schools, youth clubs etc who couldn't afford to buy them?
> I know there are a few systems like this already but this is a great
> way to get Ubuntu used more and more, and do a bit of charity work at
> the same time!
> This is also a great time to start talking about it as soon many
> businesses will be upgrading systems for Vista.
> Neil

Computer Aid take and refurbish old computers, and supplied (don't know 
if they still do) a UN sponsored Ubuntu cd (5.04, as I recall).

And for older computers that struggle with Gnome/KDE/OpenOffice, there 
is xubuntu, providing a useable and lightweight Ubuntu.


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