[ubuntu-uk] EDM179: Response From Alan Johnson, Secretary of State for Education and Skills

James Tait james.tait at wyrddreams.org
Tue Jan 2 16:09:22 GMT 2007

Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
> I wouldn't be overly suprised that you're getting some kind of canned
> response to your initial contact. 

Without doubt.  Several members have had the same response now.

> Take this "standard reply" as an invitation to take the conversation
> further.  Reiterate any points in your original contact that have not
> been answered (and politely highlight that they were not) and add any
> further questions that come from what you did get.

Exactly what I intend to do.  Now the channels have been opened, I
intend to use them.

> This should - hopefully -  lead to an individual reply (of whatever
> quality). Perhaps more importantly it will mean the argument (and you,
> us, etc.) appears intelligent. Even if we can't have immediate effect
> we shouldn't underestimate the value of good PR!
> Perhaps post the list for some collab drafting?

There is an item on the next UK Team meeting agenda to discuss this very
topic.  I want to ensure we present a unified argument and come across
as an organised, coherent group, not just a bunch of idealistic hippies
with no co-ordination.  That said, if anyone who is not able to make the
meeting (#ubuntu-uk on irc.freenode.net, Tuesday 9th January at 21:30)
would like to offer their thoughts to the list, please do.

James Tait, BSc                        |    xmpp:jayteeuk at wyrddreams.org
Programmer and Free Software advocate  |      Mobile: +44 (0)7779 337596

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