[ubuntu-uk] Cant run RealPLayer 10

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Wed Dec 5 21:12:56 GMT 2007

Primax wrote:
> alan c wrote:
>> Primax wrote:
>>> Cant run RealPLayer 10
>>> Hi All using Ubuntu 7.10 with all updates.
>>> I downloaded RealPlayer10GOLD.bin to my Home directory.
>>> I used chmod a+x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin [enter]
>>> then sudo ./RealPlayer10GGOLD.bin [enter]
>>> Password [enter]
>>> prompt [enter]
>>> /opt/RealPlayer [enter]
>> I believe that the entry might have required  simply
>> /opt
>> I wonder if you have two directories now such as
>> /opt/RealPlayer/RealPlayer
>> ??
> Yes I have, I read from the book and typed in exactly what it said.
> So it looks like I have /opt/RealPlayer/RealPlayer
> And In my Home folder RealPlayer/realplay
> Now I am in a mess sort of, dont know how to uninstall.
> Some one did send me a script uninst.sh
> But I am not at all sure how to make use of it.
> I am stuck, proper stuck.

All I did to 'uninstall' it was to delete everything which had a 
RealPlayer string in the name (I think) there were quite a lot and it 
was a  bit tedious because I had to first do a search, then 
systematically delete the various files. It was tedious for me because 
I am inexperienced and not confident with deleting using sudo and 
wildcards! So I did it a few files at a time.
I even deleted any graphic which had been introduced (real logo etc etc)

Anyway it did work ok!  :-)

If you do an initial 'Find files' looking for say. 'real' then decide 
what to then search for - iirc it was realplayer, not at all sure.

It was that experience which party decided me to only use things I 
could install  via synaptic, and further, to stay with mplayer (FOSS) 
even though the functions and gui is not as good.

My sympathies.
alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391

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