[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu servers hacked?

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Wed Aug 15 19:48:13 BST 2007

  Ubuntu Servers Hacked

If this is true it is pretty sad. It will take some time for 
confidence to be regained. What a gift (or a result?) for the opposition!

I was recently trying to reduce my ignorance about security by asking 
questions about security, and on the ubuntu forums I had asked a 
couple of questions about security which were apparently so tiresome 
that they were immediately sidelined into a dead thread!

I posted a request for reinstatement in the resolution forum, but have 
not heard anything yet.

In the few days since I was totally ignorant, I have become slightly 
better informed, and maybe an appropriate question for the forums 
should now be about the story of th eking and his new clothes?

The off-handedness (of presumably the admin/s) in the ubuntu forums I 
stumbled into is ironic indeed in the circumstances.
alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391

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