[ubuntu-uk] This came in on the local Freecycle

Ian Pascoe softy.lofty.ilp at btinternet.com
Sat Aug 4 22:06:49 BST 2007

Yep, and for those requests for old copies of Windows and Office I also
politely tell them about Linux / Open Office respectively.

Out of 6 attempts so far, no coversions to Linux, but 2 to Open Office <smug


-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-uk-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
[mailto:ubuntu-uk-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com]On Behalf Of Mark Harrison
Sent: 01 August 2007 17:43
To: British Ubuntu Talk
Subject: [ubuntu-uk] This came in on the local Freecycle

Hi all,

The following just came in on our local Freecycle. (www.freecycle.org to
find your local group.)

OFFER: Complete working PC

Made almost entirely out of Freecycled parts:

Midi-tower Pentium III 600Mhz with 192Mb RAM and a small but adequate
hard disk, with (v. good but fairly large) Dell/Trinitron 17" CRT
monitor & graphics card, CD and DVD reader drives, keyboard mouse and

Runs Windows XP fine, but currently has the latest release of Ubuntu
Linux installed. Ideal to learn Linux on, or maybe as a "homework" PC
for the kids.

I'm just flagging it up as I thought it was an ideal way to promote Ubuntu!

If you have an old PC that you no longer need, why not install Ubuntu on
and offer it up to your local Freecycle group?

Kudos to "Martin in East Grinstead" who made the offer on Freecycle Crawley.


ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com

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