[ubuntu-uk] My Blog
Mark Harrison
Mark at yourpropertyexpert.com
Fri Aug 3 10:10:41 BST 2007
Just for the record, since I suspect it's my Blog that has specifically
kicked off this "issue":
If the community as a whole would rather I simply syndicated
OSS-related posts, then I am happy to do so.
I have deliberately syndicated my entire personal blog, because I had
believed, and still believe, that showing a wide range of Ubuntu users
was an effective method of marketing. I did this AFTER consultation with
the LoCo "management".
I'm not that unusual in having a "side business" (property investment
and training) along side the IT job. Indeed, a straw poll of property
investors at recent property events suggest to me that about 40% of
landlords these days work in IT.
I do NOT syndicate my work blog to Planet (though, ironically, other
members of the UK Team have blogged about my company!)
Personally, BTW, I think an obvious solution would be to have TWO
Planets.... one restricted to OSS-related matters, and one to "about the
people"... though I have to admit I'd only read the "all-inclusive one"
rather than the "OSS-only" one myself.
I like to read about Paladine's crusade against bank charges (and was
motivated to sign the Number 10 petition about them after discussion
with him on IRC after one of his blog posts.)... I like to read about
Gary's experience with buying a new Mac (and I'm incredibly tempted), I
like Jono's experiences of what it's like to work for Canonical, I like
Nik's commentary on the evolution of the Social Networking world... and
I like Popey's stuff like the XP vanity lights (good result!) just as
much as I like all our stuff about iPlayer, FSF, OpenRights Group, and
I am happy to discuss my actions in public, defend where defensible, and
change where not (I have a relatively Popperan approach to life, and
reserve the right to change my mind when presented with new evidence.) I
am, however, increasingly uncomfortable about the whole idea of
"anonymous complaints".
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