[ubuntu-uk] Loading Fiesty into Mac mini

Toby Smithe tsmithe at ubuntu.com
Sun Apr 29 16:37:59 BST 2007

On Sun, 2007-04-29 at 16:14 +0100, Robin Menneer wrote:
> Does this mean that Fiesty won't go on a PowerPCmac leaving me with
> Dapper ?

No. It only means that there is no official support by Canonical. I'm
unsure of the availability of security updates as a result.


The ISOs are still provided.

> I've had a look at the forums (? fora) again, and gained no further
> insight, their problems tend to be in isolation.  And looked at the
> manual which seems to be for Edgy but which soon leaves me behind..  A
> paragraph or two seem quite ok, then suddenly I'm faced with something
> I have difficulty in coping with.  My indifferent memory doesn't
> help. 

Feisty should work on the machine just fine.

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