[ubuntu-uk] gaim problem

Andrew Gee andrew at webspot.co.uk
Thu Apr 12 22:04:47 BST 2007

I'm connected to googletalk here fine. No problems at all.

On 12/04/07, Neil Greenwood <neil.greenwood.lug at gmail.com> wrote:
> I use Gaim under Dapper and Edgy (Dapper at home - soon to be Feisty,
> Edgy in work) and I can't get it to connect to Google Talk. I can get
> Psi to connect on the same machine, so it's not a problem with
> firewall or other settings...
> I saw in the forums that someone had fixed the problem by compiling
> Gaim from source, but it didn't WFM. :-( Haven't tried it for about
> 5-6 weeks though.
> I only connect to MSN through a Jabber gateway on Psi these days. This
> is always a bit hit-and-miss about marking me on/offline.
> Hwyl,
> Neil.
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Andrew Gee
andrew at webspot.co.uk
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