[ubuntu-uk] UKTeam Meetings Minutes

Francis Giannaros francisg at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 16:40:23 GMT 2006

On Monday 30 October 2006 14:29, Jono Bacon wrote:
> Can I recommend fortnightly meetings during the day on IRC. We will
> never please everyone, but many of the core contributors see to be on
> during the day. Naturally this will lock some people out, so do speak up
> if you can't make it.

Seems to me that most people will be working during the day, while I presume 
everyone has Internet access available at home in the evening. I didn't 
manage to attend the last meeting, but I'd be interested in attending the 
next one.

Kind thoughts,
Francis Giannaros (apokryphos)
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