[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Logo (was: urgent)

Caroline Ford caroline.ford.work at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 18 12:49:30 BST 2006

> Hm. 7 Days to complete a design... almost reminds me of the Edgy artwork.
> Martin

But who gets to play sabdfl and punish us for our amateurishness ;)

If this logo is ever going to be used to deal with prospective
corporate/public sector implementors then we need it to be top notch.

If it's just for random computer expos then it doesn't have to be as good,
but still needs to not look crap (I'm not suggesting the current submission
looks crap fwiw).

We can always change it /tidy it up at a later date I guess.

I'm not sure we have 7 days - when does Jono need the artwork for?

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