[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu desktop tests in the VCS

stude.list at googlemail.com stude.list at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 16 20:42:15 BST 2006

On 16/10/06, john levin <john at technolalia.org> wrote:
> There's 4 .docs [!] attached to the article, promising more details, but
>   the server seems to be choking.
Considering they are talking about Open source and Free software why
are they using Word documents?

They could at least use PDFs

Considering they have the text:
> Using free and open source software in the UK voluntary and community sector
at the top of their page I am certain that they could have used another format.

Now that's some more files I have to download and run clamAV over. I
do not trust Word documents on my drives, I may make the mistake of
copying it to Windows, then I will be truly in trouble.

- Andy

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