[ubuntu-uk] Where do 'normal' UK Ubunteros cluster? (Was: Re: Online Discussion Forum - To be or not to be?)

Chris Jones cmsj at canonical.com
Fri Oct 13 20:32:47 BST 2006


On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 21:48 +0100, Caroline Ford wrote:
> Exactly - it's read-only. I'm forced to download all of this to

You appear to be using GMail, which surely means that you're not forced
to download any of this? You can just read the threads you care about
through the web interface, reply if you want to, and ignore/delete what
you don't care about.

Mailing lists are a nice compromise imo, people who want all the mail to
read offline (e.g. I'm on the train at the moment) can, but people who
just want to lightly browse a little through a free webmail account can

Chris Jones
  cmsj at canonical.com

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