[ubuntu-uk] Re: Support points

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Thu Jun 15 14:38:10 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

* Grant:
> Very well said Mark, I couldn't have got anywhere near as close as that.
> You make a really compelling argument as to why we need support points on
> the website.  I would appreciate it if the UK project head for the website
> could get this sorted for us so I can put the support points site up.  
> If he doesn't want to do it, I am happy to nominate Mark as our website team
> manager, he obviously knows how to do it right, and his experience would be
> really useful for us. 

Grant, the point being made isn't that a website might not be useful,
but simply that there is no point creating something like this before we
have collected any names.

Let's work on collecting some support volunteers first, then we can
think about doing something ambitious like creating a website for it.
You need to walk before you can run.

Everything Mark said is all very nice, but it's not going to work
without any volunteers.

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