[ubuntu-uk] Should we have an ubuntu-uk.org site?

Steve Smith steve.lists at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 7 15:17:56 BST 2006

John Levin and I have begun to discuss this - here's where we've got to so
everyone to contribute to the discussion.

Many other LoCo teams have separate websites of the format www.ubuntu-uk.org,
which currently is just a link to our wiki pages more-or-less.  Non-English
language teams have an obvious reason for using a separate domain from the
main wiki (wiki.ubuntu.com).  On one hand it would give UKTeam a separate
identity of its own, but then on the other perhaps integration is the key
and it would be better to keep all English-language info on the main wiki.

After my conversation with John, I think that UKTeam's work falls into two
(1) co-ordinating our own work
(2) providing local support contacts and info on availaility of
Ubuntu-compatible hardware (eg what things that PC World etc sell that the
'average home user' can get to work with Ubuntu easily), and so on

I suggest that (1) could remain on the UKTeam's wiki pages (
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeams) to remain integrated with the Ubuntu
community at large, and (2) could be on ubuntu-uk.org to provide local
support free from organisational clutter and geek-speak.

John has pointed out that there are many businesses and events involved in
Ubuntu that could do with being co-ordinated in the UK.

Please also see the thread "[ubuntu-uk] Contents of ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol
14, Issue 7 ref support points".  The idea was initiated by John but after
some confusion with threads the main discussion has now moved to that
thread.  It's about having a support-point map like the Belgium team (

If you have any views on any of this, no matter how trivial, please reply!

Steve :)
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