[ubuntu-uk] EDM179

Toby Smithe toby.smithe at gmail.com
Tue Dec 26 22:08:29 GMT 2006

On Tue, 2006-12-26 at 20:01 +0000, Dave Ewart wrote:
> On Sunday, 24.12.2006 at 23:16 -0000, Jonathan Lees wrote:
> > The problem will never be resolved if non teachers can't see it from
> > the teachers point of view, managing a class of 31 students all with
> > different abilities working at different paces and keeping to
> > government guidelines as to what they should be taught and get them
> > through SATS tests in ICT too. With no OO resources for teachers how
> > can they be expected to teach it?
> I think you're missing the point.  Also, I'm not blaming teachers.
> I'm not suggesting that the kids be taught OO (I assume you mean Open
> Office).  OpenOffice is an *alternative* to MS Word, but we shouldn't
> really be aiming for 100% OpenOffice use anyway.
> If the National Curriculum states: "Kids must be trained to use MS Word"
> (broadly) then I believe that it is misguided.

I don't care what it states. I care how it is interpreted. It probably
states something along the lines of "Kids must be trained to use a word
processor". "A" word processor means not necessarily any alternatives.
It should state "Kids must be trained to use a word processor, and
understand any benefits any alternatives may have", if it's going to
state anything along those lines at all. We could tie it in to the
infamous "racial tolerance" goals that the Government loves to go on
about. People need to accept different softwares!

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