[ubuntu-uk] Software compatability & modems

baza baza at themauvezone.fsnet.co.uk
Thu Dec 7 14:25:17 GMT 2006

On Thu, 2006-12-07 at 09:02 +0000, tim wrote:
> your email is somewhat vague.
> do you have a amd64 system?
> for routers, avoid the really cheapo stuff (like dlink, belink or other 
> X Chinese brands). people buy these routers and then they don't work 
> very well (like only allowing one vpn connection, the NAT inwards not 
> working properly, etc).
> I use a somewhat cheapo netgear router with wireless, works fairly well.

Hmmm.. I've been using a cheap router, Belkin 54g, since I went wifi,
and it works fine, not one single problem with at all. And how much kit
can you say that about? :)


Cock, lock and ready to rock!

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