[ubuntu-uk] Introduction and question

Norman Silverstone norman at littletank.org
Wed Aug 3 11:13:57 CDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-08-03 at 16:37 +0100, Nick Mcmahon wrote:
> Matthew East wrote:
> >When the group (-uk) was started, the reason we called it -uk was that
> >we wanted to include all of the UK. In fact this was insisted upon :)


> i'm also new, but i have to agree with that, setting up a seperate Irish 
> or Nothern Irish group would be a good idea, 


I am sorry, bit I must disagree with you. One of the very strong points
about Ubuntu is the community and, to some extent, the bigger and more
diverse the community is the better for all. FWIW, I think the only
reason for separate groups is one of ease of communication eg language.


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