Texts from cryptroot-unlock not translatable

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at ubuntu.com
Sat Sep 7 15:30:44 UTC 2019

On 2019-09-07 15:37, Øystein Steffensen-Alværvik wrote:
> The wrapper script debian/initramfs/cryptroot-unlock contains texts
> that are not translatable (at least I cannot find cryptroot-unlock on
>  translations.launchpad.net). An example is this text (shown upon
> boot when disk has LUKS encryption): "Please unlock disk
> Should I report this as a bug?

There are already bugs about it. Actually I made an attempt a while ago:


but got no feedback and moved on. There is a more recent bug too:


but in that case the bug reporter/patch author disappeared.

I suppose it's Jonas Meurer you should contact, if you would like it to 
move forward. As I wrote at one of those bugs, I'm willing to complete 
the idea I had, but need to talk with some maintainer first.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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