Localize uNav 0.65 (Full localization option) (Costales)

Costales costales at ubuntu.com
Wed Jan 18 17:29:06 UTC 2017

Hi Marcin :)

"Verbose panel indications" will disappear in next vesion.

"Avoid tolls": Yes, avoid paid roads.

Best regards!

Hi Hannie :)

> Ah, so with state you mean status (the position of affairs at a particular
> time). If there is no search result, the state is empty? e.g. I look for the
> name of a certain author, but this name does not exist. And there is a
> special icon for this?

No, it's just the title into the credits to the Authors of those
images. Please, take a look to this screenshot:

> I have no idea what POIs are. I will not tell you what I get as a result
> when I search for POI in Google :) If it is an editor, like Gedit, then what
> does fast and nearest mean?

Point Of Interest, it's a place in a map, something like restaurant,
gas station, etc...
You can set a few POIs for a so fast access while you're driving.

Best regards!

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