Localize uNav 0.65 (Full localization option) (Costales)
Hannie Dumoleyn
lafeber-dumoleyn2 at zonnet.nl
Wed Jan 18 08:12:36 UTC 2017
Hello Costales,
Thanks for the explanation. It was Marcin Xc who asked the questions, so
I am cc-ing him/her too. There are still a few things not clear to me. I
will write comment between the lines.
Op 17-01-17 om 18:43 schreef Costales:
> Hi
> @Translators, I updated a string: https://translations.launchpad.net/unav
> @Hannie,
> 81. "Icons for empty states" ?
> This in a section title in the About page, those are special images
> for special states, for example, you search something and nothing is
> found, no favorites yet... etc.
> Will be something like:
> Icons for empty states:
> Author name1
> Author name2
> etc.
Ah, so with state you mean status (the position of affairs at a
particular time). If there is no search result, the state is empty? e.g.
I look for the name of a certain author, but this name does not exist.
And there is a special icon for this?
> 97. " By"?
> Author of a custom voice.
> For example: English. By Nathan.
> 101. "You can create a voice for uNav following these steps"
>>> Create<< or add a new one? I just wanna make sure ;-)
> 'Add a new one' should be better I think. I updated the string. Thanks!
> 154. "Fast Nearest Editor"?
> Users can set a custom POIs from OpenStreetMap, a "Fast POIs", then
> this string will be the title in the header of that page.
I have no idea what POIs are. I will not tell you what I get as a result
when I search for POI in Google :) If it is an editor, like Gedit, then
what does fast and nearest mean?
> 181."Confirm new routes"?
> In Settings, it's a switch. When user set a route, he will see the
> complete route and wait for confirmation or don't see it and don't
> wait.
> Thanks for your work!
> Costales.
> On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 5:10 PM, Hannie Dumoleyn
> <lafeber-dumoleyn2 at zonnet.nl> wrote:
>> Op 17-01-17 om 13:51 schreef Marcin Xc:
>> Hi!
>> I Need some help(context):
>> 81. "Icons for empty states" ?
>> 97. " By"?
>> 101. "You can create a voice for uNav following these steps" >>Create<< or
>> add a new one? I just wanna make sure ;-)
>> 154. "Fast Nearest Editor"?
>> I did not understand this string either. Please explain.
>> Hannie
>> Ubuntu Dutch Translators
>> 181."Confirm new routes"?
>> Cheers
>> Marcin
>> ________________________________
>> From: "ubuntu-translators-request at lists.ubuntu.com"
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>> To: ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 1:00 PM
>> Subject: ubuntu-translators Digest, Vol 148, Issue 1
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>> Today's Topics:
>> 1. Localize uNav 0.65 (Full localization option) (Costales)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2017 21:31:46 +0100
>> From: Costales <costales.marcos at gmail.com>
>> To: "ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com"
>> <ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> Subject: Localize uNav 0.65 (Full localization option)
>> Message-ID:
>> <CAN-Pu6zbjfqjEF8yzwpRyajXSjub5naA7tbWjst+qBhsg5Chgw at mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>> Hi!
>> uNav is a GPS Navigator for Ubuntu Phone: http://unav.me
>> Please, could you complete your language for the next release (this
>> weekend)?
>> https://translations.launchpad.net/unav
>> You can localize the voices too following these steps:
>> https://github.com/costales/unav/
>> Thanks in advance! A hug.
>> Costales.
>> --
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