New Ubuntu slideshow proposed for merging - string change

Will Cooke will.cooke at
Tue Mar 22 20:07:14 UTC 2016

Saluton translators!

I've just put a merge proposal up for a slightly amended installer

Assuming I've got everything correct and it gets approved there is a slight
change of text on the Software slide that you should be aware of.

The old text:
"Say goodbye to searching the web for new software. With Ubuntu Software "
"Center, you can find and install new apps with ease. Just type in what "
"you’re looking for, or explore categories such as Science, Education and "
"Games, alongside helpful reviews from other users."

The new text:
"Say goodbye to searching the web for new software. With access to the
Ubuntu "
"Software Store, you can find and install new apps with ease. Just type in "
"what you’re looking for, or explore categories such as Science, Education "
"and Games, alongside helpful reviews from other users."

Please let me know if you have any questions, and thank you!

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