Coocoo Curucú?

Michael Bauer fios at
Sun Mar 1 12:18:43 UTC 2015

Sgrìobh Yuri Chornoivan na leanas 28/02/2015 aig 09:49:
> Personally, I'm tired of guessing and will leave such things untranslated
Yes I was tending towards that too, having spent half an hour on it

Sgrìobh Tom Davies na leanas 28/02/2015 aig 15:25:
> Hi :)
> So it's some sort of game or something based on a 1956 movie and only 
> available through Ubuntu One which has closed down?
Errr... ok
> I think if the devs for it make it available through the software 
> centre or/and OpenSource it then maybe revisit it but for now ignore 
> and move on?
> Is it something that needs to be done to get translations 100% 
> completed?  If so can it be taken off the list?
> Regards from
> Tom :)
Well the only reason I even looked at it was because it's on David's 
to-do page (which seems 
to be frozen by the way, I completed the other bits middle of last week).

Overally I appreciate the ability to localize some games for Ubuntu 
Mobile but that should be an optional feature and not on the to-do list.


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