Ubuntu Phone

Vojtěch Daněk vdanek at outlook.com
Thu Feb 12 08:50:09 UTC 2015

I understand that it could be an issue for you guys but on the other side you can install the OS to almost every Android device in these days. I am personally using my own Nexus 10 to make sure that strings are translated correctly. 
But I do agree that it would be nice to have a chance to get a specific hardware before end users next time. 

Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 00:25:43 +0100
From: ibai at oihanguren.com
To: ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: Ubuntu Phone


    az., 2015.eko otsren 11a 10:41(e)an,
      Marcin GTriderXC.tk igorleak idatzi zuen:

        I just tried to buy "a
            first Ubuntu phone device" and didn't succeed. At first
            "technical problems", then "Availability: out of stock". Are
            there any possibilities of getting a device into my hand to
            be able to correct translate the system? The very first
            devices should be available to the developers and not end
            users. Now end users may be disappointed only because ubuntu
            phone will not have a Polish menu fully and what worse
            CORRECTLY translated. Please do not tell me about an
            emulator. It works so badly that we can surely say it
            doesn't work. And it's pretty funny that end users can now
            play with a device and developers and translators have to
            work with emulator.

            David, I hope You're reading this.


    I agree with Marcin. I think that translators should have the
    opportunity to get an Ubuntu phone before end users. I am sure that
    many translated strings will be incorrect and sometimes
    unintelligible, because the emulator was difficult to use and we
    couldn't test all the features and apps. I hope this will be taken
    into account for the next time...


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