Call for translations: Gmail scope
Michael Bauer
fios at
Thu Nov 27 12:13:18 UTC 2014
You mean this one?
> In threads;Individually;Individually with snippets;Ann an snàithean;fa
> leth;gach fear; gach tè;bloighean
That's deliberate. We had reports that Gaelic users couldn't find stuff
and it turns out most assume you have to search in English. Plus with a
language that inflects a lot and does not have fixed technical
terminology yet (for example the Updater is techncially Ùraichear but
folk are just as likely to put in ùraich, ùrachadh, nuadhaich,
nuadhachadh, ath-nuadhaich etc etc etc) the most workable solution we
found is to just add the translations but to keep the English in there too.
Sgrìobh ubuntu-translators-request at na leanas 27/11/2014
aig 12:00:
> I did notice one problem (in the Gaelic translation, though it may be
> in others): The string "In threads;Individually;Individually with
> snippets", from a settings file, needs to have each component
> translated separately and then joined with semicolons. (This is a
> silly way to handle things, I agree.) I think desktop files sometimes
> use this format for a list of synonyms. If you could double check your
> translations of this string, I'd greatly appreciate it.
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