New translations in the emulator

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at
Thu Jul 24 06:53:52 UTC 2014

Thanks for your reply, David!

On 2014-07-24 07:43, David Planella wrote:
> On 2014-07-21 16:15, Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
>> I have noticed that recent translations are not included when 
>> creating a new ubuntu-emulator instance. How frequent happen the 
>> necessary updates?
> It depends on the project. One thing to realise is that the phone has
> a mixture of traditional .deb packages (mostly for the system) and 
> preinstalled .click packages (for apps).
> Most of the system translations are delivered by dedicated phone 
> language packs updated once a week (language-pack-$LANG-touch),

The name scheme seems to be language-pack-touch-$LANG, and if I
understand it correctly, no update has reached the archive since they
were created on June 17. Would it be possible to push a current update
to the archive more or less instantly, so we have a chance to check it
out before August 1?

> whereas click package translations are shipped with each app. The
> rate at which each app is updated varies depending on which
> features/bug fixes need to be released: it can be daily, or it can be
> after a few days.

Ok, so click package translations done e.g. today should be reflected in
new emulator instances which are created in the middle of next week?
Only a little patience needed in that case. ;)

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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