Update from the Ubuntu Development/Packaging Guide

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Wed Mar 20 13:31:02 UTC 2013

Hello everybody,

yesterday we got the fourth language of the development/packaging guide
online, which is great news! Thanks to everybody involved!

Here's a quick update of things.

Approved languages (>= 70%):
 - Spanish 		(99%)
 - Russian 		(85%)
 - Brazilian Portuguese (74%)

Work in progress:
 - German 		(49%)
 - Japanese 		(14%)
 - French 		( 8%)
 - Indonesian 		( 5%)
 - Dutch		( 4%)

That said, we have many languages with MANY translations in the "Needs
Review" stage. If you can review and approve them, that'd be fantastic.
Among them are (>= 10 strings): Italian, Turkish, Japanese, Greek,
French, Macedonian, Croatian, Russian, Indonesian, Swedish.

If you could reach out to your LoCo team for help with these initiative,
that would be fantastic. As soon as translations get up to >=70%
completion, we put them up on


where they are updated daily and are available as HTML, single-page

Thanks a lot. Any help is much appreciated.

Have a great day,

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