Most common strings?

Ask Hjorth Larsen asklarsen at
Thu Apr 11 14:52:29 UTC 2013

Hi Michael

Please remember if you fix errors in e.g. GNOME or KDE to propagate
those fixes to the upstream GNOME and KDE teams, and other upstreams
like etc. that are not too exotic to locate; in
fact the easiest way would be to apply fixes directly upstream and
wait for the strings to propagate to Ubuntu.

The first one or two pages on the Launchpad listing contain many
Ubuntu-only modules for which this is not necessary, for example the
installers.  These are probably considered so important in Ubuntu
because they are Ubuntu-only, whereas almost all the programmes a
couple of pages down the list have a separate translation team in
charge somewhere on the internet.

Best regards

2013/4/11 Michael Bauer <fios at>:
> Hi David,
> Thanks for that - it sort of helps and sort of doesn't because the list
> assumes you know what each module does. Maybe I should just keep going from
> the top :/
> Cheers
> Michael
> 11/04/2013 14:05, sgrìobh David Planella:
>> Hi Michael,
>> The list of translatable templates (which for most cases corresponds to
>> the list of applications) [1] is ordered in terms of those we consider
>> most important (i.e. visible) to translate, according to these rules:
>> Technically, there is no way that's been implemented to automatically
>> find out the most visible strings in Ubuntu, which is why we came up
>> with manual priorities, set by our experience in translating those
>> applications.
>> The list might not be perfect, but it works well for our purposes.
>> Priorities can be edited in Launchpad, so if you or anyone else sees any
>> that might need tweaking, you can mention it on the list or ping me or
>> anyone else in the Translations Coordinators team [2], and we can change
>> it in a matter of minutes.
>> As you're correcly saying, the installer templates are at the top of the
>> list, but if you're only interested in proofreading the UI, you can just
>> skip those.
>> Let me know if this helps.
>> Cheers,
>> David.
>> [1]
>> [2]
> --
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