Question on a phrase in "ubiquity-slideshow"

Anders Jenbo anders at
Sun Sep 18 12:49:08 UTC 2011

It's an attempt to say "you will most likely have an answer for any of your question reasonably quick" in a friendly but hip tone.
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at> wrote:

Hi :)
It's not logical but "in no time at all" means "after a little while", not immediately.  It is relative to the issue being discussed and how closely you are monitoring the events.  For example "in no time at all you find your little baby has grown-up and gone to college".  

It's another English phrase that doesn't really make sense.  It's not quite as bad as "you're pulling my leg" or "pull the other one, it's got bells on it" which are probably my favourite expressions.  

In the context of settings something up on a computer it's most likely to mean less time than it takes to "make a cuppa tea" or "chip to the loo" btu long enough to drum your fingers a few times.  

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sun, 18/9/11, Cheng-Chia Tseng <pswo10680 at> wrote:

From: Cheng-Chia Tseng <pswo10680 at>
Subject: Re: Question on a phrase in "ubiquity-slideshow"
To: "Ubuntu Translators" <ubuntu-translators at>
Date: Sunday, 18 September, 2011, 7:25

"In no time at all" means immediately.

So does it means that "your needs will be answered right away"?

On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Anders Jenbo <anders at> wrote:
> Den 18-09-2011 06:01, Cheng-Chia Tseng skrev:
>> There is a sentence below:
>> "With most questions already answered, and thousands of people ready
>> to help, you’ll be sorted in no time at all. "
>> What does "be sorted in" mean? It is kind of fuzzy that for us not
>> talking in native English.
> It means that all your needs will have be attended to, as in "when you go
> here all yours questions will be answered", but with out absolute certainty.
> -Anders
> --
> ubuntu-translators mailing list
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by Cheng-Chia Tseng

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