Searching for a string (GNOME Panel)

"Sveinn í Felli (IMAP)" sveinki at
Mon Jan 17 19:54:34 UTC 2011

Þann mán 17.jan 2011 19:39, skrifaði Redmar:
> David Planella schreef op ma 17-01-2011 om 20:13 [+0100]:
>> El dj 13 de 01 de 2011 a les 09:36 +0000, en/na Sveinn í Felli va
>> escriure:
>>> Hi,
>>> In the Icelandic translations (Jaunty-->present) there is a
>>> bug in the Places menu, both in GNOME Panel and in Nautilus.
>>> Unmounted volumes are displayed like "XX Gbilesystem" (ough,
>>> it's even vorse in English...), meaning that the space and
>>> first letter of "filesystem" (in Icelandic) are truncated.
>>> Probably this is a translation error, but I can't find any
>>> trace of it in my POs.
>>> Does anyone know where the translations for this variable
>>> could be hiding ?
>> Hi Sveinn,
>> I believe it's this one:
>> Regards,
>> David.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Sveinn í Felli
> On a finishing note: I always use
> grep -R "bilensystem" /usr/share/locale*
> on my system if I need to find out in what package a certain string is
> hiding. grep will than report that it found the string in some .mo file,
> the name indicates to which package it belongs.
> I saw you already have an answer, so this is just my two cents in the
> spirit of 'teach a man to fish' and all that ;)
> Happy translating all!

That's cool, didn't know you could grep .mo files, thought 
they were compiled into some binary porridge...

Thanks both of you,

Sveinn í Felli

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