[Ubuntu-manual] Not happy at all

lafeber-dumoleyn2 lafeber-dumoleyn2 at zonnet.nl
Tue Jan 11 17:25:11 UTC 2011

Op 10-01-11 12:21, Valter Mura schreef:
> In data mercoledì 22 dicembre 2010 13:06:11, c7p ha scritto:
>> Hi Hannie,
>> the fact that lp isn't acting as we would like as translators is a known
>> and the only thing we can do is copy n paste the lucid-e1 string to
>> lucid-e2 string and translated the minor change.
>> Lp is speciallized for translating software messages/strings not paragraphs
>> of a book and because of that we are trying to find an alternative solution
>> for example a new translation service or platform for the manual editions
>> to come.
>> What am proposing you to do is not to translate the lucid-e2, since the
>> changes are minor and i don't think that they worth the effort of
>> retranslating the book again -that's my point of view-.
>> I hope we will find the solution soon, if you have to propose a solution or
>> an idea, fire it away!
> For me the alternative is only one, at the present time:
> - download the package, translate offline and create a translation memory, then
> upload again the file.
> - the next time the file will be updated, you have the old tm ready to be used
> in your CAT tool, so minor changes will be minor headaches for us :)
> Choose the CAT tool you prefer, I personally use Lokalize for Interface and
> Help KDE/OOo/Libò files, and OmegaT for other stuff.
> I wonder if Launchpad will reintroduce the fuzzy state option (marking the
> string with a percentage of match), very useful in these specific cases.
> Best regards,
Hello Valter,
The manual is a special case. It is an advantage that it can be 
translated online through Launchpad as long as we have to do with the 
first time strings are translated. In our case that was Ubuntu Manual 
Lucid Lynx. But Launchpad was not able to transfer the translation of 
the same strings to the next version of the manual, in this case 
Maverick Meerkat. Now we get a kind of strange situation which I will 
illustrate using the following example:

_English string in Lucid-e1:_
\newglossaryentry{router}{name={router}, description={A router is a 
specially designed computer that using its software and hardware, routes 
information from the internet to a network. It is also sometimes called 
a gateway.}}
_Dutch translation in Lucid-e1_
\newglossaryentry{router}{name={router}, description={Een router is een 
speciaal ontworpen apparaat dat, met behulp van speciale software en 
hardware, informatie van het internet naar een netwerk stuurt. Het wordt 
soms ook wel een gateway genoemd.}}
Translated by Kenneth Venken <https://launchpad.net/%7Ekenneth-venken> 
on 2010-08-13
Reviewed by Redmar <https://launchpad.net/%7Eredmar> on 2010-08-22 	

_Dutch translation in Maverick Meerkat_
\newglossaryentry{router}{name={router}, description={Een router is een 
specifiek ontworpen computer waarmee, gebruikmakend van zijn software en 
hardware, informatie gerouteerd wordt van het Internet naar een netwerk. 
Het wordt soms ook wel een gateway genoemd.}}
Translated by kwoot <https://launchpad.net/%7Ejbaten> on 2010-08-26
Reviewed by Kenneth Venken <https://launchpad.net/%7Ekenneth-venken> on 

Look at the names and dates and you can see what happened here (even 
though you do not understand Dutch, the differences are clear). And this 
is just ONE example! I think this is a waste of energy and it leads to 
different translations, even if the same translator is involved.
Now, about your suggestion: working offline has the same disadvantage. 
Since Lucid and Maverick are not merged you can only transfer 
translations from LL to MM manually, and that is just as much work as 
copying in LP from LL to MM.
I am still just as unhappy about the situation as I was when I started 
this thread, but I do appreciate the many reactions and suggestions that 
were put on the list. With that I hope we can get to a solution together.

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