Help with indicator-datetime translation bug

Dennis Baudys thecondor at
Tue Apr 12 15:49:45 UTC 2011

Hi David! Hi all translators!

Maybe I can shed some light into this matter. Please see the excerpt
from my comment #10 to bug 729631 [0]:

By the way, I think I have figured out, *how* these date and time
strings [1] [2] are meant to be used. The date/time displayed in the
panel is a combination of two parts, the date part and the time part.
These parts are put together by a special string like this: %s %s (see
string number 19 [3]). Because Germans like the date and time to be
separated by a comma, we put the comma in this string number 19, which -
as it turns out - was good! But sadly we made some appending commas to
the strings that are relevant for the date part, too. So that causes two
commas to be displayed there, now. However that is a translation bug,
that I'm going to fix now.

Relevant strings (change the URLs to your language code): [1] [2] [3]


Am Mittwoch, den 06.04.2011, 11:52 +0200 schrieb David Planella:
> … I'm wondering where it gets the translations for the day of the
> week and month.
> Does anyone have any idea?


Dennis Baudys

      email: thecondor at
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