ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: contemplating some string changes

David Planella david.planella at ubuntu.com
Wed Mar 24 12:14:46 UTC 2010

El Mi 24 de 03 de 2010 a les 11:29 +0100, en/na Gabor Kelemen va
> Timo Jyrinki írta:
> > 2010/3/24 David Planella <david.planella at ubuntu.com>:
> >   
> >> It would be interesting to hear what other teams say, especially those
> >> who have already completed translations.
> >>     
> >
> > +1 otherwise, but in these kind of "small changes in original strings"
> > situations I'd prefer some place the current translations would be
> > kept. There is effort put to those, and if eg. the English string has
> > one word changed, the high quality translation should not be lost by
> > forcing all translators to think about the new string from a fresh
> > start.
> >
> >   
> Gettext's fuzzy matching could be used here (like on a per-template 
> basis), but that is is bad, mmmkay? :P
> However, your translations are not lost:
> click the "Translation details" link, then on the "filter" link besides 
> the translator names under "Contributors to this translation". You can 
> add &batch=300 to the end of the address, so you can see more of the 
> existing translations, including obsolete ones. For example, in 
> ubiquity-debconf, my old translations are marked by a ~: 
> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/ubiquity/+pots/ubiquity-debconf/hu/+filter?person=kelemeng&batch=300
>  From this point, copy-paste is easy - I do this whenever they correct 
> some typos in the ddtp templates :).
> Regards
> Gabor Kelemen

Ok, due to popular acclaim and Gabor's eloquent way of putting it, I
think we can go for it :)

Dylan, do you think you could get a package with these changes uploaded
by tomorrow's documentation string freeze? If not, I'd favour Milo's
suggestion on extending the translation deadline if necessary, as we did
last cycle for another freeze exception in the slideshow.


El Mi 24 de 03 de 2010 a les 12:02 +0200, en/na Timo Jyrinki va
> +1 otherwise, but in these kind of "small changes in original strings"
> situations I'd prefer some place the current translations would be
> kept. There is effort put to those, and if eg. the English string has
> one word changed, the high quality translation should not be lost by
> forcing all translators to think about the new string from a fresh
> start.

Yes, the solution would be to provide better suggestions than fuzzy
matching in this cases (now LP discards fuzzies), especially in long
messages such as the slideshow's. This is a long standing wish, but in
the meantime, you can use Gabor's workaround - which incidentally was an
eye-opener to me as well :)

> I would otherwise download the current PO to be looked as a reference
> for the new strings when they come, but I'm currently getting
> "Unexpected form data" when trying to export in both edge and non-edge
> launchpad. Please don't update the templates at least until you have
> all PO:s downloaded somewhere :)

I've just had a quick chat with Timo on IRC and it seems to be a browser
issue, so we seem to be ok there.

In any case, I've exported all current translations and put the PO files
here for all languages, to make it easier to partly reuse the similar
existing translations:

  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Upstream/Universe (at the end of
the list)


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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