
Sergi Mateo sergimateo at
Thu Feb 25 16:48:47 UTC 2010

El 25 de febrer de 2010 16:14, David Planella <david.planella at> ha

> El dj 25 de 02 de 2010 a les 14:43 +0200, en/na Peteris Krisjanis va
> escriure:
> > Question: if I will translate app-install-data, how Software Center
> > will do search? Will it search my translated strings? Will it search
> > also english strings? Or it will search just english or just my
> > translated strings?
> It searches both (original English and translated strings), as far as I
> know.
Hi Peteris,

I'm used to translate app-install-data into catalan language. I search in
software center for strings (in English) that need translation if i need
further explanation about what a package does so I can find a proper
translation, and when I find a translation in catalan language that can be
improved I search for it in software center either in catalan or in original
english. I 'm pretty sure that software center finds the same package either
if you search for it in original english or in your own language (I assume
it's been already translated!). At least it worked for me every time I've


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