inpics = dead site? Fw: Training in LibreOffice/OpenOffice

Tom Davies tomdavies04 at
Sat Dec 18 06:05:59 UTC 2010

Hi again :)

Emails to the person listed in the "inpics" website on their "Contact Us" page 
just bounced back.  I think the inpics website might be 'dead' but i don't know 
how to find out.

How could someone copy their entire site fast before it gets removed?  
Regards from
Tom :)

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at>
To: ubuntu-translators at
Cc: ubuntu-doc at
Sent: Fri, 17 December, 2010 11:24:03
Subject: Training in LibreOffice/OpenOffice

Hi :)

The website
offers training in OpenOffice but they seem unaware that most distros will be 
moving to LibreOffice soon.  Also their training appears to be only in English.

I guess they are not an OpenSource type project but they are free.  Could we use 
their "Contact Us" form
to suggest that they 
1.  open up and use launchpad to get translations done?
2.  rename their "OpenOffice" training to "Libre Office" and change 
"" to "The Document Foundation"?
3.  create links so that people can acquire the appropriate Office suite; 
MicroSquish for MS Office  and "The Document Foundation" for Libre.

All established, well known and reputable Office training involves forcing the 
students to buy MicroSquish products.  At job interviews they often ask if the 
interviewee has training in Office applications (which people can only get if 
they buy from MicroSquish).  A lot of people are making a lot of money from 
training people to use MicroSquish products.

So far the inpics site is the only place i can find that offers an alternative 
and it doesn't lead to a qualification that is recognised by employers.

In the UK we have very few qualifications that are widely recognised at this 
sort of level.  Really it is just NVQs (=National Vocational Qualification).  
There is some recognition of ECDL (= European Computer 'Driving' Licence) 
because it has been heavily marketed for about 10 or more years so some people 
have vaguely  heard of it now.  Both qualifications are quite a bit higher than 
the level inpics offers but not by a huge amount.  If you do the inpics course 
then the ECDL course or an NVQ lvl1 would be fairly easy.  Pitman's charge £700 
for ECDL and expect you to have MicroSquish Office at home or work in order to 
be able to study.  A copy of MicroSquish Office could easily be between £50-£100 
but because the course includes Access/Base it would probably be one of the £100 

Please can we just give inpics a nudge to offer them help to reach a wider 
audience (if they stay free) by suggesting they go a bit more OpenSource?  Also 
can we help them become less out-of-date by suggesting they advertise that their 
existing course OpenOffice course also covers Libre Office?  

Many regards from
Tom :)

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