new string in kubuntu-notification-helper

Harald Sitter sitter.harald at
Sat Apr 10 13:34:31 UTC 2010


Due to a minor feature addition to Kubuntu, one additional string appeared in 
kubuntu-notification-helper (notificatoinhelper).

The string in question is "Set of default screensavers" and refers to a 
package the user can install (namely kscreensaver). When the users opens the 
KDE screensaver configuration module a notification will be shown that the 
application offers installation of addtional packags. If the user indicates 
that they want to install those packages a dialog will popup promting the user 
if they are sure. In this dialog, aforementioned string is used to label the 
package kscreensaver with a more useful description.

The string is located in the source at: 

Please try to get this string translated as well, and thanks for you work so 
far :)

Also, I am glad to inform you that the notification I was talking about above, 
is now actually full translated (using exiting translations). Earlier on a 
hardcoded string was shown, which for example caused the notification to say 
"Amarok Player" in an unlocalizable manner.

Harald Sitter
Kubuntu Core Developer
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