Paraphrasing "Social from the Start" for translators

Tom Davies tomdavies04 at
Thu Apr 8 13:39:16 UTC 2010

Perfect. That's the best way of saying it that i have seen so far in this thread.

I am sorry i do ot know how to access documents for translating, hopefully someone else will help soon as people in here are very helpful & friendly. I used to do the strange short phrases or odd words translation in Rosetta. Without context it can be tricky tho.

Thanks and regards form
Tom :)

From: carlos Ballivian <cballivian at>
To: Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at>; ubuntu-translators at
Sent: Thu, 8 April, 2010 14:33:27
Subject: Re: Paraphrasing "Social from the Start" for translators

Hi Timo

 My suggestions for translating into spanish would be "Sociabl desde el inicio" and as for second option it would be "Mantente en contacto con tus amigos". Another English alternative would be " Stay in touch with friends".

Hope this helps.

Also would like to know were do I get the documents that need translating into spanish.

regards Carlos

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 11:06 PM, Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at> wrote:

>Of the 3  suggestions you make i order them
>1 network with your friends right away
>2 be in contact with your acquaintances
>3 readily social
>Hopefully this
> helps?
>Good luck and regards from
>Tom :)
From: Timo Jyrinki <timo.jyrinki at>
>To: Fumihito YOSHIDA <hito at>
>Cc: ubuntu-translators at
>Sent: Wed, 7 April, 2010 19:00:29
>Subject: Re: Paraphrasing "Social from the Start" for translators
>2010/4/7 Fumihito YOSHIDA <hito at>:
> "Social from the start" is highly important, please tell us (non-English
>> translators) *your* synonymous words of  "Social from the Start"s.
>> English = English paraphrasing can provide great help for translating.
>Some ideas from me, although I'm not sure how accurate they are:
>- readily social
>- network with your friends right away
>- be in contact with your acquaintances
>I settled now on the last one for the Finnish equivalent of "be social".
>I think a related possibly difficult term is "broadcast", which I
>first translated more directly, but it felt quite non-descriptive in
>Finnish (not sure how people understand brodcasting in English) so I
>>then changed to more like "social networks" and "social network
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