Proposed Documentation String Freeze break - Ubuntu One, Icons

Matthew East mdke at
Wed Apr 7 12:36:47 UTC 2010


2010/4/7 David Planella <david.planella at>:
> El dc 07 de 04 de 2010 a les 09:02 +0100, en/na Matthew East va
>> 1. Fix the broken Ubuntu One and Evolution menu entries now and import
>> the pot file asap, but *not* add the new material about Ubuntu Music
>> Store
>> 2. Make an upload prior to release with as many translations as possible
>> 3. Include the additional Ubuntu Music Store material and possibly
>> some other fixes like adding some documentation for Ubuntu One after
>> release, leaving translators a few weeks to concentrate on these
>> strings, then make a further upload some time towards the end of May,
>> or early June.
>> Thoughts?
> Thanks Matthew, sounds good to me. A couple of comments:
>      * I was asking for comments from translators on the other thread.
>        Translators: in order not to have separate lines of
>        conversation, let's abandon the other thread and please add your
>        thoughts here.
>      * I'm actually not too sure about the date yet. Of the ones you
>        are proposing, I'd perhaps favour early June, as thinking about
>        it, May tends to be the time for release parties.

I'm easy - feel free to set a date and I'll work with it. We can get
the additional string changes into the distribution and the pot
templates updated relatively quickly, I feel. Then it's just a
question of how much time is needed for translation.

> I think we should:
>      * Set a date for 3.
>      * If possible, I'd recommend doing 1. as soon as possible

I think your email crossed with my last one. In any event item 1 is now done.

Matthew East
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