Proposed Documentation String Freeze break - Ubuntu One, Icons

David Planella david.planella at
Wed Apr 7 07:43:59 UTC 2010

El dl 05 de 04 de 2010 a les 18:08 +0100, en/na Matthew East va
> Hi Milo,
> On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 4:57 PM, Milo Casagrande <milo at> wrote:
> > Hi Matt,
> >
> > 2010/4/5 Matthew East <mdke at>:
> >> I'm planning a few minor string changes to the ubuntu-docs package, as
> >> set out below. Please let me know if you have any comments - the
> >> changes will result in a few strings that will need to be retranslated
> >> prior to the NonLangPackTranslationFreeze.
> >
> > I would really like to give a +1 one here, but the problem with this
> > is the time we have left for translating it. It is not just the
> > translators time, but also the time the POT file needs to get
> > imported.
> >
> > I don't know if Launchpad admins can manually speed up an import, but
> > the queue looks like is a little bit slow in this period: I have a
> > manually imported translations that is still in the approved status
> > since March 31st.

I too think it's quite tight. The imports queue seemed to be stalled for
a couple of days from the 1st to the 3rd, but fortunately it's back at
importing translations.

However, if I understand it correctly, one of the changes (the Ubuntu
One one) is needed to correct a description which is wrong in the
original English, so even if breaking translations, I think it makes
sense to apply the change. I believe there is no point in having a wrong
description with wrong translations.

As for the other one (icons), it seems to me that it does not affect

Therefore, if it's like this I would not have any objections to the

> Aren't pot files prioritised in the queue ahead of po files?
> > Deadline is in 10 days, so it might be not enough time.
> >
> > This is the only concern I have. If admins can push it, that would be awesome.
> Let's see what they say, and then decide.

Prioritising templates and translations to be imported is doable, but
you need some database surgery (well, a query, if I understand it
correctly), so it's not that easy. I'd say let's go for the change, see
if the template gets imported soon after the upload, and if not, let's
see if it's possible to push the import.

> > On a side note, about the "wrong" menu path, that could be easily
> > resolved by translators translating it with the correct path. The
> > problem is with the C locale that you need to patch after translations
> > have been exported and the xml files recreated.
> I don't think this will work - although many translators are reading
> this list and checking menu entries for consistency, I suspect that
> quite a few will simply translate what they see in the English
> version.
> > The images path shouldn't be a problem even if you patch the C locale
> > before recreating the xml files: those strings shouldn't be translated
> > anyway.
> Ok, I wasn't aware that the image path was stripped out in the
> translation process, that's good. I'll make those changes.
> > As a suggestion: wouldn't it be possible to have an updated ubuntu-doc
> > package like 7-15 days after the release date? I know this is not
> > optimal, but in this way translators will have enough time to finish
> > up the new strings.
> I don't have a problem with this.

I too would favour this if the docs team could do it.


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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