a question about ubuntu slideshow in release candidate

Adi Roiban adi at roiban.ro
Fri Oct 23 16:49:26 UTC 2009

În data de Vi, 23-10-2009 la 17:29 +0200, malditoastur a scris:
> Hi, I'm testing Ubuntu 9.10 Release candidate, and I see that the
> slideshow in installer appears in English
> I can confirm this for Asturian, Catalan and Spanish languages. Is this
> a bug or is a problem with translations for the Release candidate?
> can anyone confirm this problem in other languages?


Due to the delay in ubiquity-slideshow translations, the translated
files were not included in the Release Candidate.

They should be included in a new daily build.

I think David or someone from ubuntu-desktop team will let us know when
the build is ready.

We have the same problem with ubuntu-docs.


Adi Roiban

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