Some visible strings

David Planella david.planella at
Wed Oct 21 10:38:57 UTC 2009

El dt 20 de 10 de 2009 a les 13:42 +0200, en/na David Planella va
> Hi translators,
> While triaging some of the bugs in the Ubuntu Translations project [1],
> I've come across some related to visible strings which can be quickly
> translated, and I thought I'd mention them.
> == GDM password string ==
> When starting GDM, users are prompted to enter their password. The
> "Password:" string does not come from gdm itself, but from the linux-pam
> template:
> (substitute 'ca' for your language code)
> == Indicator messages ==
> The message indicator on the panel will only show translations for the
> messaging applications in its list if the indicator-messages template is
> translated (more info here [1])
> I see the following languages have not yet got any translations for
> indicator messages, but there might be more:
> * Basque
> * Bosnian
> * Czech
> * Greek
> == Indicator session ==
> The "New Session..." message in the session indicator was changed to
> "Change User..." (see [2])
> I see that at least the following languages still haven't got a
> translation for this one. Since that string was already translated for
> most languages in fast-user-switch-applet, it might just be one click
> away:
> * Asturian
> * Bulgarian
> * Galician
> * Romanian
> * Vietnamese
> If any of you has got any other tips on those visible but
> not-so-easy-to-find strings, now it's a good time to share them :)
> Regards,
> David.
> [1]
> [2]

I've also been pointed out by the Desktop team to aptdaemon, which has
got some very visible strings (e.g. in Software Center or Update
Manager), which might not be so easy to find.

You can start translating it here:

and I've also raised its priority for now, so it appears on the first
page of translations in Launchpad.

Happy translating!

David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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