Possible problem with .desktop files

David Planella david.planella at ubuntu.com
Fri Oct 16 15:52:27 UTC 2009

El ds 03 de 10 de 2009 a les 14:43 +0200, en/na Milo Casagrande va
> Hi,
> during the today Global Jam, we found a possible problem with .desktop
> files in Karmic.
> There are some files that have the correct X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain,
> while others have the new upstream string X-GNOME-Fullname with the
> list of translations.
> The problem is that that string looks like is not handled by the
> X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain as are the Name and Comment ones, and
> translations from .mo files are not read, using the X-GNOME-Fullname.
> As an example you can see the rhythmbox.desktop file in
> /usr/share/applications/.

There are several things involved here:

* This seems to have been fixed in the current version of Rhythmbox,
which has the correct 'X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=rhythmbox' key and domain
at the end of /usr/share/applications/rhythmbox.desktop.

* In any case, I'm told by Martin Pitt that the Ubuntu glib, which takes
care of loading these translations, recognises both keys (first X-GNOME,
then X-Ubuntu), so this should not pose a problem. For those interested
in the technical details, Martin also tells me that the langpack.mk CDBS
rule (see [1]) has just now been updated in bzr to use X-GNOME-.

* However, I see that the file contains static (literal) translations,
which if present seem to have precedence over those in the rhythmbox.mo
file. In general, translations should be stripped from Ubuntu .desktop
files, but I don't quite understand what is happening with Rhythmbox,
since it seems to be using the right gnome.mk class, which should take
care of all this [1]. In any case, this shouldn't be a problem, either,
and should be transparent to users.

Do you still see the problem? Does it affect other applications?

> Who should we contact for this?

The best way to track these issues is probably the same as what we've
been doing with other translation bugs this cycle: filing a bug against
the package, opening a bug task against the ubuntu-translations project
and adding a tag if appropriate. I've just started documenting [2] what
some of us have already been doing for some time, with the intention
that it becomes standard practice. Please feel free to do any
improvements to the page.


[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/KnowledgeBase/ReportingBugs

David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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