Possible problem with .desktop files

Milo Casagrande milo at casagrande.name
Sat Oct 3 12:43:50 UTC 2009


during the today Global Jam, we found a possible problem with .desktop
files in Karmic.

There are some files that have the correct X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain,
while others have the new upstream string X-GNOME-Fullname with the
list of translations.

The problem is that that string looks like is not handled by the
X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain as are the Name and Comment ones, and
translations from .mo files are not read, using the X-GNOME-Fullname.
As an example you can see the rhythmbox.desktop file in

Who should we contact for this?


Milo Casagrande <milo at casagrande.name>

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