Ubuntu Docs Jaunty PO to XML errors, HTML files

Danilo Šegan danilo at canonical.com
Tue Mar 17 01:56:48 UTC 2009

Hi guys,

У уто, 17. 03 2009. у 00:07 +0100, Alexey Balmashnov пише:
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 8:58 PM, Adi Roiban <adi at roiban.ro> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 20:31 +0100, Alexey Balmashnov wrote:
> >> Nice, looks like exactly the same errors as ones that had been fixed a
> >> while back for Intrepid.
> >>
> >> Are there any chances that tool validating somehow results of
> >> translators work will be merged into Rosetta? Or may be used as an
> >> intermediate step somewhere in the import process for translations of
> >> the current+1 release?
> >
> > Basicaly I was just converting back from po to xml and the from xml to
> > html.
> >
> > I don't think we will have those validations in Rosetta, as Rosetta is
> > supposed to work with PO files... and there is a long feature list
> > waiting.

Which is not a blocker.  See below.

> Aha. Then one more point in the feature list won't make it longer
> anymore, so why not to add this?

This can best be done directly in GNU gettext (to allow "xml-format"
format specifier) and xml2po and/or intltool. Once GNU gettext is able
to check well-formed-ness of XML messages, I'd be happy to accept
patches to both xml2po and/or intltool, and depending on the available
time, I might even write them myself.

And as soon as the upstream stack (GNU gettext, xml2po) supports such
xml-format tag, Rosetta will support it as well.  If I find time (read:
unlikely), I'd be happy to extend GNU gettext to support "xml-format" as
well, but if one wants to see that happen, they should not count on me.

Basically, msgfmt -cv should be able to catch most of the problems like


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