ubuntu-langpack ppa doubts/issues

Arne Goetje arne.goetje at canonical.com
Tue Jun 9 14:13:40 UTC 2009

David Planella wrote:
> I'm not sure whether what you are describing is a problem. I think you
> are referring to the split between -base and 'delta' language packs. The
> base packages are generated and released at e.g. the start of an Ubuntu
> release and contain all translations, and the 'delta' packages (those
> whithout a -base suffix) are released more often and contain only those
> translation files which have been changed since the last language pack
> release. You can find more information there:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TranslationLifecycle#Structure
> I've asked Martin Pitt about the fact that the base packages are not in
> the Jaunty PPA, and I will come back to you when I've got more
> information. In any case, I do not think this poses a problem.

It's not necessary to have the -base packages in the PPA. The -base
packages are normally generated at release time, so they are in the
normal archive. The PPA only contains delta packages then.
The reason why for Intrepid there are -base packages in the PPA is, that
for Intrepid we didn't manage to provide proper -base packages at
release time, so the archive was already frozen at that time. Therefor
they are in the PPA (and in -updates for that matter).
For LTS releases, like Hardy, we regenerate the -base packages for every
 maintenance release (.1, .2, .3 and .4). Therefor you will also find
those in the PPA.
In case the delta packages become too big, we might also regenerate
-base packages for other releases (we will do so for Intrepid after
message sharing is in place). Those will then also go into the PPA.

>> Lets go on with the error we've found :]
>> 'mozilla.tar.gz'  (mozilla translation extensions) is included in this
>> package from the ppa and it seems not to be complete, we've found the
>> following things
>> *
>> '/usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions/langpack-$LANG at firefox-3.0.ubuntu.com/chrome.manifest' 
>> is empty
>> * $LANG.jar is not included
>> This results in having Firefox in English :]
>> I hope you can bring some light to this matter. Thanks in advance.
> I have also tested this and I can also reproduce the problem (i.e.
> Firefox appears untranslated after installing the latest langpack PPA).
> I would suggest you to report this to language-packs at ubuntu.com, as
> described here:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TranslationLifecycle#Automatically%20built%
> 20weekly%20packages

hmm... firefox translations have not been updated since Jaunty release.
So, they shouldn't be in the PPA delta packages, but only in the -base
packages in the main archive.

I will investigate this.


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