Update: translation errors with msgids and msgstrs

Daniel Nylander po at danielnylander.se
Sat Jan 17 11:04:52 UTC 2009

fre 2009-01-16 klockan 23:07 +0100 skrev Ricardo Pérez López:

> > http://people.ubuntu.com/~arne/langpack_errors/
> Fixed for Spanish (es).
> By the way... why do the es_ES language exists? We (in Spain) always use
> the es language (not the es_ES one).

Swedish (sv) has now been taken cared of too.

You should file a bug report for all packages that uses a es_ES
translation. We have the same problem with sv_SE.
Normally only locales such as zh_TW, zh_CN, pt_BR should use
country-based translations.

See http://www.debian.org/international/l10n/po/es_ES


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