Jaunty language pack updates

David Planella david.planella at ubuntu.com
Tue Aug 11 08:49:45 UTC 2009

Hi Mads,

El dl 10 de 08 de 2009 a les 22:28 +0200, en/na Mads Bille Lundby va
> Hi
> I would very much like to test the translation packs, but I don't know
> how to do it according to the instructions, since this paragraph
> puzzles me:
> "Are the latest translations from Launchpad visible?"
> How do I find out if there has been committed any changes from
> upstream? Many of the packages come from upstream, Gnome and KDE.
> Should I manually search the local Gnome/KDE translation team mailing
> list for upstream updates? Is there a changelog for each
> module+language in Launchpad. I don't know how to answer the question
> above.

Thanks for testing the language packs.

First of all, I'd like to make clear that the idea behind the signoffs
is to get some testing and feedback before releasing the language packs,
so that to make sure no unexpected regressions or bugs creep into the
release. In this sense, language packs follow the stable release update
procedures [1].

The steps for testing the language packs are deliberately simple

     A. We would not like to burden translators with complex tests
        unless necessary
     B. It would be extremely difficult to perform an exhaustive test of
        all strings (although I'd be more than happy if someone could
        perform such an exhaustive test)

As such, the test should not take you long if you are simply looking at
the points suggested in the wiki page. Alternatively, simply using your
desktop for a day or two could also be considered as having verified the
language pack -although I would encourage you to actively look if
translations are ok.

Additionally, I would encourage all translators to use the semiweekly
language pack PPA, so that not only they can quickly see the translation
updatess, but also notice any regressions or bugs even before those
translations are published in -proposed (language packs in -proposed are
created from the PPA ones):


The combination of the two (continuous testing by the use of PPAs + a
dedicated test plus signoff whenever language packs are uploaded to
-proposed) should provide a good indicator that there are no high impact
bugs or regressions.

Now, coming back to your question: for a more concrete example of which
things to look for in this particular case ("Are the latest translations
from Launchpad visible?"), here are some of the things I did when
checking the language pack for Catalan:

* gnome-panel: there were some Ubuntu changes for gnome-panel while
developing Jaunty, which caused some strings to be marked as fuzzy and
thus untranslated. We did only translate those after release, which
caused the "Change system appearance and behaviour, or get help" string
appear untranslated when hovering the mouse over the main System menu.
After the language pack updates, I've checked that this string is now

* update-manager: we did not finish the translation before release, so
there have been some untranslated strings until now. After this language
pack update, I've checked that all strings were now translated.

I hope this answered your question. If there is anything else, feel free
to ask.


[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates

> Regards,
> Mads Lundby, DK Team
> 2009/8/7 David Planella <david.planella at ubuntu.com>:
> > Hi translators,
> >
> > We've uploaded Jaunty language packs in -proposed for you to test before
> > they are released.
> >
> > As discussed, we'd like teams to test them and provide an indication
> > that they've done so by following some simple steps and submitting a
> > signoff, so that we know that translations have been successfully
> > tested.
> >
> > Simply follow the instructions in this page and add your team's signoff
> > in the table at the bottom:
> >
> >  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA
> >
> > This is the first time we are trying this, so please feel free to modify
> > the page if you think there is any section which might need expanding.
> >
> > Remember that you'll have to to enable the -proposed repository to get
> > these updates:
> >
> >  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed
> >
> > = Notes =
> >
> > == Spanish translators ==
> >
> > Please check that the following bugs are fixed:
> >
> > * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bug/363414
> > *
> > https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-pack-kde-es-base/+bug/406221
> > *
> > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-pack-kde-es/+bug/397540
> > * https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bug/405064
> >
> > == Basque translators ==
> >
> > Please check that the following bugs are fixed:
> >
> > * https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bug/376686
> >
> > == Italian translators ==
> >
> > Please check that the following bugs are fixed:
> >
> > * https://launchpad.net/bugs/357678
> >
> > Regards,
> > David.
> >
> > --
> > David Planella
> > Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
> > david(dot)planella(at)ubuntu(dot)com
> > www.ubuntu.com
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > ubuntu-translators mailing list
> > ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-translators
> >
> >
David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

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