?????: Appeal to the developers/translators

Khaled Hosny khaledhosny at eglug.org
Tue Apr 7 15:14:33 UTC 2009

On Tue, Apr 07, 2009 at 08:28:50AM +0200, Artur Szymanski wrote:
> --------Oryginal Message---------:
> > On Tue, Apr 07, 2009 at 09:46:57AM +0400, Oleg Koptev wrote:
> >> In reference to upstream teams - dunno, but I think somebody from here
> >> are in tight contact with them (as I see at Og e-mail adress for
> >> example). So it could be figured out there in any case.
> > 
> > You don't need "tight contact with" upstream to report bugs (non-obvious
> > strings lacking context is a bug), just open and account in, say, gnome
> > bugzilla and file bug report(s) against the relevant module(s), this way
> > you know for sure that the developers know about the issue and can work
> > on it.
> > 
> Hi,
> You said that non-obvious string lacking context is a bug. I cannot
> agree with this, becuase this context usually you can find in real
> appliacation. If you would open translated programm and try to find
> doubtful string/option, you would not need a comment for such string.

If a string can be understood easily from the UI, then it is obvious,
otherwise gettext's msgctx has been there for the very reason of making
un-clear strings clear. Being mainly a gnome translator, I know for
certain that adding translator's comments and message contexts is a well
established practice, that when an applications fails to do so, it is
considered a bug and should be reported. I don't know much about other
projects, but I'll be surprised if that wouldn't the case too.

> In my opinion, before start to translate application, each translator
> should first learn it and if he still don't know a meaning of translated
> string, then he should contact with developers or submit the bug report.

I completely agree, and that what my comment was about.

 Khaled Hosny
 Arabic localiser and member of Arabeyes.org team
 Free font developer
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