New Hardy langpack updates

Arne Goetje arne.goetje at
Mon Apr 6 05:12:08 UTC 2009

Dear all,

I know you guys are very busy with getting Jaunty into shape.
However, I'd like to notify you that we have pushed new translation
updates for Hardy to hardy-proposed.

If you have some spare time, please help to test those updates. If you
find any regressions, please report them here. Otherwise, please send me
a short "$language on {Gnome|KDE} seems to be OK" message.

When checking, please pay attention to the following changes:
 * Firefox and Xulrunner translations have been updated to 3.0.8
 * Plural forms issue in KDE should have been fixed

I will wait until Monday, 19 April before moving them to hardy-updates,
provided that receive enough "OK" messages. If you need more time for
testing, please notify me.

Attached is a list of the packages, which have been updated.

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