new strings in ubuntu-docs

Matthew East mdke at
Mon Oct 13 21:02:52 UTC 2008

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 9:30 PM, David Planella
<david.planella at> wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> 2008/10/13 Matthew East <mdke at>:
>> As for translations, in past releases we have traditionally tended to
>> download translations at the LanguagePackTranslationDeadline (in this
>> case 23 October) rather than the earlier deadline. In particular given
>> the recent problems, I think we should do that again, I'll clear it
>> with the release team. That will give translators at least an extra
>> few days.
> If I understand it correctly though, this means that the LiveCD will
> be released with translations that are several months old. In the case
> of our team, and I believe also of others, there have been lots of
> work done in translating the documentation during the Hardy cycle,
> which have yet to be published. I would rather see all this work
> published in the LiveCD than waiting for the few (if I understand it
> correctly) strings recently added in the new documentation templates
> to be translated.

No, that's not the case at all: as far as I know the LiveCD will
include all translations uploaded to the archive before final release
date. The LiveCD *is* the primary release of Ubuntu, and is generated
on release day.

> Also, if in any case the documentation translations are exported after
> the non language pack translation deadline, could someone from the
> documentatiuon team either publish a schedule or update these [1] [2]
> to reflect this? Otherwise it gets extremely confusing for
> translators.

I don't think this should be a regular thing in the future, but
considering the problems with this cycle, I think it would be worth

Matthew East
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