R: Translation of Ubuntu glossary and terminology in rosetta

Milo Casagrande milo_casagrande at yahoo.it
Wed Nov 19 10:35:33 UTC 2008

--- Mer 19/11/08, Adi Roiban <adi at roiban.ro> ha scritto:
> What do you think about having the Ubuntu Glossary
> translated in
> Rosetta?
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Glossary
> I think right now only the Windows glossary is available in
> ubuntu-docs.

If you're referring to this one:


it's more a mix between Windows and GNOME/Ubuntu terms.

> Do you think we can include the full glossary in
> ubuntu-docs?

>From my POV it could be useful to have that glossary (the wiki one) in the "official" documentation. Unfortunately the DocBook export functionality of the wiki doesn't work (at least for me), so it would be a hand work (or find a MoinMoin wiki with the DocBook functionality that works).

> As another matter I would like to see an Ubuntu Terminology
> file
> available for translations in Rosetta, following the idea
> of MS
> Terminology Translation:
> http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/tools/MILSGlossary.mspx
> This file should help translators, for both documentation
> and
> applications.

This is a little bit different from the previous one.

>From my experience with upstream translation teams, it's not always that easy to reach an agreement (inside a team) on the translation of common terms. For the Ubuntu Italian team we have a glossary based on the one from the TP project, it's not as big as the Microsoft one, but it serves our needs.

I too would like to see such a glossary for Ubuntu, and also for other translation projects; at least having it in English, translating it is another aspect to deal with (and probably not an easy one), but if we can create such a file, that would be just great!

Milo Casagrande <milo_casagrande at yahoo.it>

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